Sunday, December 29, 2013

Getting up on a Sunny Sunday morning.

Getting up on a Sunny Sunday morning.

I lay in bed with the radio on. I imagined what it would be like to swing my legs over the side sit up, yawn and stretch. To stand up, throw open the curtains and to take a step outside the back doo and breathe the frosty winter air. ahh well better call for carer Debbie to begin the process of dressing me and hoisting me into a wheelchair.

Did you know that the classical onion dome architecture is influenced from Greek orthodox which coincidentally was based in Constantinople  which was later destroyed and became Istanbul.
The origin of the name Algorithm for the the programming  rules in electronic devices is Muslim ,named after a clever Muslim man who used basic rules to calculate complex problems .

16 million people have genes from Genghis Kahn.
Truth is we all need each other- we are brothers
Happy New Year