Saturday, June 30, 2007

I have now said goodbye to my dad after 6 weeks. I dropped him off at the airport on Wednesday and after a long, tiresome journey he is now back home. He is already missed by everyone who got to know him here.

I have not updated you all on some of the developments in my life for so long now that I can't fill in all the gaps. I find my time very limited now as I work on my own business. I am struggling to find time to keep up with all the business paperwork.

I have to constantly face things I can't do. This is a great area of danger and has the potential to take me off track. I must always remind myself not to let myself be drawn into depression about this and instead do the aspects I can.

I hope that there is still a group of people that read and will comment and encourage for time to time. It makes the load a lot lighter!

Well a quick post of the latest developments on my back garden.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Some recent scenes of progress in the Garden department. As you can see loads of vegetable space! My dad has worked really hard whilst I have been stuck in the office with project work!