Friday, November 11, 2011

To be or not to be....

Everyday is a victory. That just a cliché you might say. Lately, its how I have felt. Life has become so much tougher. 2 years ago I would be hard pressed to spend a day in bed. Now I look forward to it.
 Today is such a day. A day following a tortured night of twisting, helpless in my paralysis, first hot then cold. I woke Debbie twice. The second time I had begun to feel burning pain in my right leg and hip. My right leg and hip took the main impact of my accident and today this is a source of posture discomfit and pain. The damage to my pelvis was called an "open book fracture". The pelvis had separated at the pelvic bone and had been rejoined with a thick stainless steel plate screwed to each half with 4 large stainless steel screws which protrude below the bone into the flesh below. I will never know if there is some effect of this plate. There could be an effect on the blood flow or nerves running down into the right leg. The leg has withered and is limp below the knee. Sensation is dull and sometimes hypersensitive. Hot and cold are felt to extreme and sometimes there is feeling of being deep fried. Elsewhere, my body has almost normal sensation.
Today I am sitting in bed. Just writing this blog and listening to a book. My enthusiasm for the day, dampened by the night passed.
I haven’t been entirely idle. On my good days, just writing emails and finishing off some technical research. The last couple of months have been frustrating as I was preparing a tablet pc to be sent to SA. The job was to help a chap injured in a shooting, which left him paralyzed and in severe pain. With all the movies and books I sent I hope he gets some relief through distraction.

In this picture (below) I am using a tablet similar to that sent to SA.

Working on a Tablet PC with infra-red tracker.


Jane Steed said...

Thinking of you Julius x

sueparot said...

Hi Julius,
I'm so sorry to hear your pain has increased. I recognise your symptoms from those of Errol's. One doesn't appreciate how painful paralysis can be. I pray for you to receive relief and for your quality of life to improve.
I do so admire you for your tenacity and determination. And I absolutely love your poems. you're very talented.
Thank you so much for adapting PC for Errol. I'm sure, as soon as we get him Online, you and Errol will have a great deal to chat about. I'm still waiting for it to clear Customs.
Hope you have a good weekend and manage long periods doing what you enjoying doing the most and enjoy some really special moments with Debbie.
Lots of love, Sue xxx

Anonymous said...

Nights like this are theives of our lives. I wonder if the plate needs to be taken out or replaced? But I guess your specialist is on to this.

Great to be back in touch with you after a few years.

You haven't changed still pushing against the envelope. bless you xx Fi