Wednesday, October 24, 2012

my left hand

Goodbye I said as they left
Going away
my children and ex left the house.
The pain reaches a climax

None can fathom the depth of dispair
of helpless loneliness
of desperate emptiness
what do I do now?

I look down
my imobile body
with the only message
from finger movement on my left hand


su said...

And yet within you
is a strength
that makes the capabilities of the human body look like nothing.
Inside of you is Presence.
It is always there.
It is who you are.
You are not your body.
You are photons of light and energy that use your body to animate as you drive a car.

I can't imagine what it is like to be in your situation.
I really can't.
And yet having read through your blog a few times I wanted to offer you something that would ease you, that would even offer you joy.

So in this space of loneliness and emptiness, breathe into it.
Don't resist it. Allow yourself to feel deeply what is arising without getting into the story line of it all.
Breathe into it again and again and again.

Sending you love and light.

Julius said...

Thank you so much su