Tuesday, December 26, 2017

2017 What just happened?

A reflection...

The year draws to an end and a new year begins. It is the season of peace and goodwill. The last 18 months have felt like the pus pouring from a rotting wound. I have felt bewildered by the hatred and cruelty that seems to be everywhere in the world today. The gap between the super rich and the rest is widening. Racism and hate are brazenly displayed. World leaders are standing by while there is genocide in Burma, people dying of starvation in Yemen, murdering factions in the DRC (Congo) and ongoing suffering in Syria. There is so much separation and division, such violence and hate, that I feel a sense of deep despair. Where is the hope? Where are the leaders that stand up for what is right and good? Where are the leaders willing to  make a difference and speak out for the oppressed and weak?

In the richest country America we see a leader who has only ever known wealth and affluence brazenly displaying prejudice and ignorance. Leading his nation into some dark places.
In the UK we see politicians trying to outdo each other as Brexiteers, making wild claims about the prospects of Britain separated from Europe. Coupled with this a rise in hate crime and nationalism.
In Austria we have seen the rise of a party with roots in Nazi thinking becoming the second largest party and entering government through coalition.

Intolerance is on the increase and is given more license by media and leaders with attitudes and opinions filled with thinking that is based on attitudes of intolerance and racism.  Blaming their problems on others (Muslim, black, immigrants, Mexicans etc.).  Far right groups are given air time and are on the increase (Austrian politics has recently seen a far right group come 2nd in recent elections). Demonization of immigrants, Muslims and foreigners is an increasing trend that is reminiscent of the Nazi campaign against the Jews which started before the 2nd World War, when they were just a minor party.

The destruction of other cultures and people starts with a seemingly good thing, the fight to protect your own culture, people and way of life. This is used to justify blaming another group which quickly descends to dehumanising and justified destruction of this group. Good men and women are drawn into the thinking that it is right to destroy another group if they are evil and threaten your own people. The seeds for genocide are sown by good people twisted into bad thinking.

I feel helpless as I sit in my wheelchair and watch these events unfold. Frustrated by my speech impediment and inability to express my views verbally, I have to write them down. I worry about the world that we have created for our children. A world that seems to lean easily toward hate and division, towards falsehood and misinformation. Where is the hope?

I read a quote once that said "For evil to flourish, good men and women must just do nothing". It is going to take the voices of good people everywhere to speak out in their daily lives against prejudice, dehumanisation, hate speech and division. We all need to be more tolerant, less judgemental and more caring. Working toward a future of hope and common humanity. A world that works toward the common good.

I know that it sounds like "namby pamby, liberal nonsense" but I am not saying that we should just let go of our societal structures and norms, instead we should examine the world around us and stand up for the weak, for the marginalized and for those who need help.

As 2017 shudders to its close and 2018 starts to show, make it your resolve to stand for good when the world around you turns negative.

1 comment:

John Freeman said...

God came to earth in the form of Jesus to bring hope to mankind and He still does. The Bible warns us of all the things that are happening today, but thank God that He is unchanging and is there to lead us through times of trouble. His peace is there to calm our troubled minds and His Spirit to fill our hearts with hope.
If we believe and trust in His promises then we can rise above the evil and despair in the world and bring a light to the darkness.
Let us look forward to the New Year trusting in God and in the knowledge that He is all powerful and all the earthly powers and rulers are under His control.