Friday, May 20, 2022

Wake Up Now


The world around you has changed, it has changed fundamentally. We haven't yet come out of the pandemic and now Putin's  war on Ukraine is taking effect. I am sure that you are numb from hearing the bad news and like climate change you just can't be bothered. Maybe you feel powerless and don't know what to do. Maybe you can't be bothered.


Our world as in crisis and the only leadership that is affecting us all is the total madness of Putin. In the western world, leaders are not taking on the issues and seem content to shout from the side-lines. So what is the most important issue? We are in the beginning of a global food crisis, triggered by the war in Ukraine, which followed the peak of the on going pandemic within the window for climate change avoidance measures. We are all going to see our world change and change badly for the worse. Millions of people will die. The disastrous effect of war in Ukraine will remove a large contribution of wheat and sunflower oil from the market and continue the rise in fuel prices. This will destabilise my world and  damages your comfortable world. For many people it will be life threatening.


So the small mind of Putin, driven by a nostalgic lust for the power of the past has touched us all and now threatens the lives of many people. He will be remembered in history on the same list as Hitler and Stalin; a man who attempted to rekindle the past has destroyed the future for Russia and robbed Russians of the constructive role in building a modern peaceful world.


So what is this to you? Why should you care? You should wake up now because the war in Ukraine will effect your life and the lives of everyone on earth. You should be angry at the insult to everything that humans are trying to achieve - peace and hope for the world. You should be upset by this action to destroy a peaceful country on the basis of lies and disinformation. Putin has destroyed his political opposition and suppressed his own people. World leaders have been ineffective and watch while Ukraine defends itself and Russia destroys their cities, just as it did in Syria. Furthermore, Russia has blocked the international access to Ukraine ports, stopping the flow of food to the world.

Wake up and protest against this war. Stop Putin's war. Do not stand by and do nothing. Every voice is important to keep the pressure on to keep the light on the issue.


Help me to do this. I am only a man, disabled by a broken neck, voiceless but I can write on a pc. Help me to fight for our common humanity - share this or write your own - just do something.


Wake up now!


Stop Putin's war







Anonymous said...

Bravo Julius! Our church sent 500 quid to aid effort in west Ukraine recently. We must all do our bit.


Julius said...

This is the most urgent and important issue after climate change
🇺🇦 Stop Putin's war 🇺🇦