Sunday, September 28, 2008

Time the destroyer

A day, a week, becomes a year and time keeps ticking, advancing relentlessly. I have not been up to my goal to regularly publish my thoughts and experiences. My only defence i the weakness in my body to release my thoughts from the all consuming struggle against the pain and discomfort. Don't get me wrong my pain is minor compared to many who struggle against debilitating agony. So without further delay.

Angela came in to be my assistant. We worked well together and I broadened my ideas and goals to take into account some of the new skills she brought with her. Last weekend however she decided it was more important to be with her boyfriend in Canada and she flew off today. So I start again to search for a suitable PA.

Take a look at the Aide de Vie website and let me know what comments you have.

My car went into the workshop for a test of the battery and system, but they can't find any problems, so its back to square one. I will now rig up a system to plug it into when not in use everyday.


Anonymous said...

One assistant goes....another WILL take his/her place. Hope you find someone suitable soon.


Anonymous said...

Positive words from Diana. Just a matter of waiting and holding onto your faith! Not always easy but it can be done.

Anonymous said...

Hey Julius - Ange came into your life, and you into hers, for a short time and I know that it was a positive experience ... we don't always understand the way things work out, but in the end, it is all for the higher good of everyone involved... Bless you for taking such good care of her (for which both Michael and I are grateful) and I do hope Liz is settling in well.. take very good care of yourself see .. Love, Eve