Thursday, July 29, 2010

Friends and old values

I was visited in the past week by a dear friend. I met Milada when I was propped up in a hospital bed in Germany, unable to speak or move. Milada has remained a friend ever since and I cannot take credit for this good friendship as I have not been a good contributor to it during the ups and downs since. However, I am grateful to find people in this world who still hold fast to lasting values.

Milada with me in my backyard

Milada's stay with me was a reminder that we all need each other and life, living and loving are part of what makes us human. Our modern world is not very clever. Whilst we surround ourselves with gizmos and gadgets to help us achieve more output,we are isolating ourselves from the benefits only attained through social input. Yes talking on Facebook is good but face to face is better. Yes we can text updates every moment on twitter but how much better to have your thoughts spoken to someone you are with. Humans need each other. If Africans can say "It takes a whole village to bring up a child" are they referring the amount of people, or the quality of the interactions? I think a good friend is of more value to our happiness than a shopping centre of passers by. We cannot be happy in a cocktail party society. Sometimes to sit quietly with your best friend can mean more than a hundred conversations.

To all my friends: thank you.

I was pleased to have my children overnight. We spent some time together. I was presented with this lovely caramel sponge which we consumed with tea later.

Alex trying unsuccessfully to convince Dot that she really enjoys the trampoline.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

constructive thoughts

To write about everything in ones life is an arduous task. This is especially true when your expression is through only a single method and single location. I use a computer in an office which is adapted for my use. I do also have a laptop but setup and comfort often limit the spontaneous capturing of thoughtful inspiration. I have noticed that my desire to document events has waned and I am become silent in my cocoon. This is largely a consequence. A consequence of fatigue and discomfort. Also a desperate sense that I am "running out of time" so I should not waste time with flowery prose. The reality is less dramatic and a more believable, I just waste my time doing non-constructive searches and fruitless activities.

If you are amongst the many regular readers of my blog or an e-mail correspondent than I humbly apologise for letting you down. I won't promise to do better, just to do my best at being better.

In my next post I will put some pictures of recent events.