Tuesday, July 27, 2010

constructive thoughts

To write about everything in ones life is an arduous task. This is especially true when your expression is through only a single method and single location. I use a computer in an office which is adapted for my use. I do also have a laptop but setup and comfort often limit the spontaneous capturing of thoughtful inspiration. I have noticed that my desire to document events has waned and I am become silent in my cocoon. This is largely a consequence. A consequence of fatigue and discomfort. Also a desperate sense that I am "running out of time" so I should not waste time with flowery prose. The reality is less dramatic and a more believable, I just waste my time doing non-constructive searches and fruitless activities.

If you are amongst the many regular readers of my blog or an e-mail correspondent than I humbly apologise for letting you down. I won't promise to do better, just to do my best at being better.

In my next post I will put some pictures of recent events.


Christian David said...

"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi

Anonymous said...

I think true friends understand without needing apologies. Sometimes I say to a friend, don't apologise ... I understand. However, I shouldn't say that because we need friends to be able to say how they're feeling.

Julius said...

yes there's a great song by Dar Williams that says it all

Eve said...

We all need our moments of 'cocooning' - never apologise for them and always be true to yourself.
We, your friends, love you anyway x