Sunday, October 10, 2010

Illness and habits

I have been through much struggle on this journey. I have learned a lot and felt new feelings, had new thoughts. I have been the victim of prejudice and the object of admiration. Frustration and achievement are constant companions as I endeavour to live my life to the full.

Whether frustrated and fed up or depressed and apathetic, the fact remains that nothing will improve next time if I don't get up and try again. So I don't deserve praise or admiration. I am only doing what I have to. Options, choices are generally a luxury in the life of disability. Sometimes doing nothing and giving up or trying again are the only options.

My health has suffered over the past few few months due to a persistent UTI infection. I believe that the cause has been my change in hygiene routine. It's in our daily behaviours that long term change is achieved. Eating an extra sandwich a day or an extra glass of wine can add a few pounds to the waist. So too, climbing the stairs every day instead of using the lift may have a long time to make a noticeable difference. It is human nature to think that which took 12 months, can be changed in 2 weeks. I have learned that to keep my weight in check I must resist the extra biscuit, or glass of wine and choose to eat off a smaller plate.

I am working on a new project at the moment. I hope that you will all support me when it goes live next year. More about this later...

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