Saturday, May 06, 2006

It's Saturday and I realise I have a busy weekend as I plan to do something for Ruth's birthday on Monday. I have a few things prepared to make it an exciting day. Let's hope it works out. Tonight I have all 3 of them as Colleen is busy so I need to be organised!

The first week back has been very full. I had the dentist on Tuesday (no problems) ,the podiatrist on Thursday and yesterday I had my wheelchair engineer out to check out some faults the chair had picked up on the journey. As you might be aware of I use my wheelchair to help me do a stand. This function was affected by a damaged micro switch. So I had my first stand since being back yesterday.

Glen mowed the lawns for me last Saturday and Thursday Lawrence and I bought some seeds which he started planting. So far its Corn and coriander. But we have loads to go! Still have onions and spinach which have been eating.

Try this: 2 onions chopped and lightly fried in olive oil.
chopped spinach and garlic 2-3 cloves chopped and added.
Salt and pepper to taste. Just before serving add 1/2 cup chopped pecan nuts.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jules you going all veggie on us Fi