Thursday, July 13, 2006

OK so here's the "thing", I am going into hospital for August. It's just some extra rehabilitation, physiotherapy and stuff, to check out my abilities after 4 years. I want to do it but... I have bad memories of hospital and aside from all the boring aspects of lying around waiting for a nurse and sharing your space while hoping for an hour of the physio's time. Yes aside from all this hospital increases my sense of loneliness and isolation.

Now moving on, that comment in the previous blogg woke me up. Always have I felt that I adapt well to change. I must be getting lazy or old or both. I have not been able to make decisions. I keep looking for someone to say it's OK.

So I have started putting together my business outline for a consultancy. I thought if I started, it will help to put the mind straight. If anyone knows about setting up a consultancy type business please let me know.


Anonymous said...

Just look at what you've achieved so far ..... this should act as your catalyst to carrying on achieving ... in any direction.

Anonymous said...

Julius, you may not feel it but you have and continue to achieve so much. Your consultancy will be the start of something good you will be in control and doing it for you. See you soon Jemma

Moderator said...


Lets have an IM Chat on skype sometime. I came across your blog via John Keoran who I sort of know. He joined my LinkedIn network anyway.

This may be a long shot

I am working on an customer insight business start-up idea I have come up with myself and I wondered if it could be something you might be interested in looking at, as it is largely a virtual company idea.


Martin Silcock: Skype : explorate

You'll also find me if you google me.
