Thursday, May 10, 2012


Sitting in the evening  light which is filtering in through my hospital window.
I am reading a book on my e-reader on the pc. My mind jumps from the story to the day’s events.
So here it is; the body is finely tuned. Each muscle and joint balanced with another. Disturbing the balance slightly will have a big effect. Undoing the damage is slow and painful. I am being stretched and pushed to correct tight muscles on one side of my body which is pulling me over and changing my posture.
I feel subdued, reflective and a little melancholy. How hard life is and how difficult it has become.  Being who I am now takes constant effort. The discipline is draining. Weariness and pain always present.

Giving  in isn’t an option  and being anything else isn’t either.

1 comment:

Leanne Hunt said...

Julius, it's great to see you posting again. I too read e-books these days, especially as the Kindle has a text-to-speech feature. The stretching of muscles sounds painful - undoing damage, as you say, but unpleasant nonetheless. Be assured that your friends are thinking of you and wishing you all the very best. As I've said before, your "being" is a lesson in itself, reminding the rest of us to expand our appreciation of life and connect with the inner person beneath the disabled body. May this be a really healing time for you. Leanne.