Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Bangs, falls, pops and aches

Stoke Mandeville Hospital Day 3

The next 3 weeks I will be in rehabilitation for my back and posture; some thoughts and observations during my stay. This blog has taken over 90mins to write due to to computer playing up and aches from physio.

I was fed up after my first session  at smh as there was no coordinated plan. So I went and asked the consultant if we could get everyone together for a planning meeting. so hopefully things will begin to  take shape.   The plan is   to address the excess muscle activity on my Rhs which pulls me over with targeted botox injections which, if done properly, won't be harmful.

On  Monday while transferring I fell out the sling.  Luckily  I landed on my head, so they only need to repair the broken floor tile! Other than that I am just full of aches.

There was a  big  rush of attention to get me x-rayed but I didn't want to  be fussed about. I normally would welcome attention but all I got was inquiring stares. Not one cup of tea among them. My carer, Debbie, looked on sheepishly  and anxiously  trying to be as inconspicuous as ever but only managed to get some sideways glances from nurses and hca's thankful it  wasn't them responsible.

One of the delightful aspects of spinal injury is embarrassing bodily functions that cannot be controlled or hidden in the typical behaviour; like quickly leaving a room to burp or let out a cloud of gas. Even the dignity of receiving a bodily warning in order to preempt the incident, is  just not a feature. One could be quietly sitting talking and sharing a cuppa with friends when  a loud noise suddenly leaves your body. if you are unlucky and you are in posh company the noise with will be followed by the smell of a rotting corpse.

While writing the silence of  my hospital room I jumped out of my skin when  a  loud POP sound  (fart) from my bottom suddenly escaped and was  gone

Another day in the life of tetraplegia.

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