Saturday, March 04, 2006

Its time to do a stand. What's that? Well I use a facility on my wheelchair to effectively stand me upright. It's good for my body strength and helps to keep the bones from crumbling.In addition I think the psychological benefit is huge. I stand for an hour to an hour and a half. During this time I can move around, so I watch TV or go through to the kitchen and instruct my carer about dinner.

Alex stayed over last night and we had grilled lamb chops with roast potatoe and roast carrots seasoned with fresh thyme. Not bad.

This morning I helped him make a creamy oat porridge. This was just the start he needed because he wanted to clean my car for some money to buy a CD. Well I really support him for these jobs because he is so thorough. True to form he did a top job,inside and out. Well worth it.

Carers change today and Alex went home so Saturday night will be TV time!

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