Sunday, February 11, 2007

I have to say a day like today is just for coffee, chocolate cake and a good book. As I can't do that anymore, I will write this blog...

So I slept well waking up at my usual time of 3am but managing to fall back asleep. When I woke again at 5 the radio had a short piece which stuck with me. It was about being in a hurry. We have made a virtue out of being busy. We are proud that we somehow fill our lives with endless activity. What I enjoyed in that piece was the story about a reporter and a vietnamese man. They were travelling through the countryside while the journalist wrote his article. On one occasion they sat under a tree for lunch. When they were done, the man looked at the journalist and said, "Some day I must teach you to eat an orange."
"What do you mean? I have just finished one!", he replied.
"Well when you ate it you peeled it, put a segment in your mouth, then began seperating another piece. Which you held in your hand. You never thought about the orange or enjoyed it ,you were thinking about the next piece. So you never really ate the orange. "

This is so powerful. We have forgotten how to enjoy the moment. Thinking about the next mouthful or next moment deprives the current of it's pleasure.


Anonymous said...

I shall think of your blog the next time I eat an orange! I never quite thought of the powerful message there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Julius,
I have had an orange eating experience on a trecking holiday in the tunisian desert. Every day we were given a bad (compared to our standards) looking orange in the middle of the day. At first we really despised it. We laughed saying that we would probably never eat such a strange (greenish with brown spots)looking orange at home. After a few days of heat, little eating, walking ... we were so keen to have this orange that we even once went to "negociate" with the guide to have it after lunch rather than late afternoon because we couldn't wait to eat it. It had become one of our most pleasurable moment in the day !
It is several years ago, but I have not forgotten the "orange" lesson !