Saturday, April 07, 2007

I went to visit friends yesterday. John and Lyn live about 15 min away. Very hospitable people. I really enjoyed the time there and hope I didn't overstay my welcome!

There were a few snippets on the radio this morning (have I mentioned that I listen to the radio every morning whilst being dressed? ) anyway 2 pieces caught my attention. The first was about a chap who lost both hands and both feet due frostbite while mountaineering. When he spoke of the difficulties and the emotions I had such a mixture of feelings. I remembered the feelings of hopelessness. The bewilderment. Inevitability thoughts dwell on suicide. The long road which awaits cannot be realised or conceptualised. I have all my limbs and apart from my lower right leg, which has withered, I look normal. I can't speak freely and can't move. What have I achieved? What have I to look forward to. I can't decide what is a realistic target for my life. This chap had resumed his climbing career. And was doing well. I don't know sometimes I just find it a challenge to get up in the morning.

The second piece that caught my ear was about "Cuddle parties". Where groups gather.,without alcohol, just to talk to offer a friendly touch and open up. What can I say? The symptom of the modern lifestyle!

Tomorrow, Easter Sunday. I hope to have the kids over for Sunday roast and an Easter egg hunt.

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