Sunday, April 29, 2007

It has been a week since I last sat down to complete an update to my blog. There are several reasons for this. I can obviously point out that I'm busy, and I have been training a new carer. Interesting enough this may be, but I worry that this alone does not account for my poor diligence in respect to my blog. There is a further dimension. It may explain this and more. My emotional energy generator is running slow. This is essential for all of us to function, more so for disabled people. It is not something inherent in ones character but it's like a fruit tree. A tree that gives much fruit requires much attention and the right food. This may be a factor, I don't know anymore. I just do my best, one day at a time.

Friday was a good day and after a hard few days preparing for a meeting, the meeting went ever so well. Linda, my pa, had been ill all week and off colour on Thursday. I needed her experience and skill with market research to do this project so as I prepared to do the meeting with or without assistance I was relieved when she arrived and it was a totally successful day.

On Friday night I picked up Alex and Carmen and Colleen dropped Ruth off after her performing arts school lessons, at 6:30 the next day.

Today was an early start as we took Carmen to her Netball tournament. Tried to find a nice cafe for lunch afterwards but failed and ended up in Sainsbury's restaurant. Carmen's team won the first match 13-0 and promplty lost the second 1-15. Oh well!

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