Saturday, October 20, 2007

I have been wanting to regain my enthusiasm and strength to work at the challenges of the life I have now but I have struggled lately. I have to keep myself from descending too far. I believe it will be too tough to get going again.

This past week has been a combination of bad flu work and training new carers. It was a long morning routine with Henry (trainee) doing his first session on his own. It took 3 hrs today and it should get better (hopefully) .

I have a picture here of a great puppy here. Alan has decided to keep a dog. He bought a Patterdale terrier. Take a look at these pictures


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi J! nice piccys of Smiffy! ha ta!, let me have any more you have. Sorry I couldnt get over to watch the rugby with you but had to work,well done SA and I owe you a ten squids! sob!

see you soon alg.