Saturday, January 26, 2008

I did a presentation yesterday. I was making a revised pitch for a project. It was a receptive audience which made things easier. I ran out of breath halfway, so at the appropriate place I gave over to Linda, who presented some of her work, then I recovered enough to finish. They loved Linda anyway. We also presented some work with a Video production company. As it turns out a reasonable sized project.

Well we were successful, and now the work begins.

John came over last night we made dinner and watched Atonement. I enjoyed it even though the sadness, unfulfilled hopes and desires were so cruelly and needlessly destroyed through a thoughtless, selfish act by a little girl.

Why didn't the skeleton go to the ball?

Well, he had no body to go with!

This may be a joke but truth is I really miss my body. To run, to flop down on the lawn and read, to hold someone and feel part of them. When the words "to be alone" are a chance to enjoy doing your own thing instead they fill me with concern. Don't get me wrong, I love having time alone but only if I have something I can do. This requires setting up or some assistance. So when I am alone, the sense of loneliness is so physically present that I get bombarded by negative and depressing thoughts. As a consequence I hate having half an hour unplanned time on my own.

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