Saturday, January 05, 2008

It's a Saturday. A reasonable sunny but cold start. Overcast and cloudy now.

I thought I would spend a nice quiet day just catching up with myself. You would think that would be easy (after all, how fast does a disabled man move?). It's not easy, I have still maintain the ambitious work output and goals I have always had.

I had a break earlier ; pancakes and coffee. Hmmm, hot pancakes with a sprinkle of sugar and cinnamon and a squeeze of lemon. Rolled up and then a dribble of chocolate sauce and washed down with a cup of Columbian coffee.

So last night, I'm all stretched out on the wheelchair, about to do a few arm excercises before I put the wheelchair into a stand position, and the doorbel rings .It's John my neighbour. He has popped in to wish me a Happy New Year, so he says, but I think he was hoping for a glass of wine. Anyway, I decided to ask him and Linda over for Dinner.

We had an impromptu dinner party. Sherry, Fried monk fish in smoky bacon (Linda),followed by Bobotie (a Cape /Malay a Dutch East Indies meal from South Africa) and red wine. The wine from John and Linda was so cold we had to warm it up. We finished off with Port and Stilton and freshly ground coffee and chocolate.

Phew! A great meal good company and lots of laughs...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pancakes just the way I like them ... yum - although I haven't ever tried them with chocolate sauce!