Friday, February 03, 2006

Well I am exhausted, a week of not being too busy but enough to be tired of reading the screen.

I had a couple of responses to the e-mail I mentioned in an earlier post. One which I half expected to get (patronising and dull) and one which was a surprise. I have engaged into an e-mail discussion with the latter.

I get too passionate about ideas. I am constantly worried about being over zealous!Ha, good 'ol passion. We can't live without it and when we get it we don't know what to do with it.

It's a bit warmer today 2-3 degrees. Last night was really chilly with -5 degrees! So you spoilt people in Africa just remember how lucky you are!

Does anyone know how to programme a PDA (palm computer) or do you know how I can get some programming done?

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