Sunday, October 29, 2006

The extended warm season continues. Today is warm (15 deg) and best of all sunny. We set the clocks back so an extra hour in bed today. I'm going to update you on the last 3 days.

Friday was expected to be warm and sunny but after deciding to go boating the weather clouded over and remained at a measely 12 degrees with a nasty breeze. Not to be put-off I went ahead with my plan and went boating. Alan works as a ranger at this great reservoir.So he arranged a wheelchair boat and we set off for some fishing and boating. It was great! An experience I never anticipated having in a wheelchair. I include a few pics to give you a glimpse of the fun, brrr...

Yesterday I remembered I had invited the kids over for a roast beef. So after getting up, went shopping, bought a roast and sundries, came back and started preparing. Well it was great we sat around,laughing, joking and enjoying the company and the bond we share.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like it had some of the elements and excellent birthday should have. And the boating looks fun too.