Sunday, November 05, 2006

Phew. With the weekend drawing to a close I suddenly realise it is a week since I last updated you on the tale of wacky J.

Yeah, its been a busy week. With life in a wheelchair its easy to have a busy week. It seems everything is happening to you as opposed to with you. Like a victim of time. You can make your plans but you need others to make them happen. (and for some reason they just don't do things quickly enough or correctly, ha)Yes, like some madman trying to rule the world, my strategy depends on others. No, I don't want to rule the world, just my own life.

Let's talk about stress, baby.
Let's talk about stress and me.
Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be.

Do you know that song?I know I have probably ruined it for you, but these words are for my life. Stress. The condition of so many people. An emotion I have never suffered unduly from. When stressed we can either succeed or fail,achieve or shrivel. Good stress is useful, boosting your performance. Bad stress on the other hand,wears you down.It lowers self-esteem,it makes performance erratic and can also affect health.

Never have I been a chronic sufferer of the later,until I took up the challenge of living with my disabilty. Why, should this be stressfull, you may well ask. It is because I choose to do this, therefore, "My choice" and no one else, I have to maintain my independence my choice should not be forced upon others. So, the choice has been made to live this life and to succeed.

The stress is the daily repetition of mundane activities, no more exciting than watching water evaporate, but for which your constant attention is required with concurrent commands about correct method and next steps. Try it,ask someone to brush your teeth and be sure they do it properly and the way you like it. I tell you what, that may be too difficult, so try a good face wash instead. You will find every 5 people will do it it just right but most will struggle.

I have learned to keep a lid on this stress. I cannot afford to allow my stress to boil over. Why? You may consider it unhealthy. You may suggest I "let it all hang out". Think about it. I am unable to perform any activity for myself. (Oh, this is written with a specially adapted PC, by myself, but aside from this.) All my needs require me to request another person to perform. As I live by myself, they become the only door to achievin my task (at that moment). If I am not circumspect with my emotions they will feel chastised and hurt and I risk not getting my task done. So the stress is supressed.

I know there are side-effects.I am painfully aware of the emotional burden I carry and the damage it does.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi J, just back from London ,hope to c u this wknd. give me a bell!
