Monday, November 20, 2006

Yes its Monday already and I am so busy with different agendas in my turbulent life. Let me give you a rundown. Before I do that, regarding the last comment from Forthsay , thanks for the comments you have given me 2 things to consider which may well lead on to a new direction, much appreciated!

So, I am off to a show tomorrow to look at a range of Market Research companies and technologies. Its called Insight 2006. It takes place in Earls court. I was looking forward to this but since my scheduled care arrangements have been thrown into turmoil, I have a stranger, un-trained and very inexperienced.Nightmare. This would be bad enough in the comfort and quiet of my home. This situation is likely to be very taxing.

I have been finalising my business plan which I will use to apply for funding for a PA. I hope that as business picks up I will be able to employ an additional Market Research executive. This will give me a better capability.

I have made contact with someone who is going to help me develop an idea. This is quite an exciting contact and may yet prove to be an avenue for other ideas.


Anonymous said...

Vasbyt my good buddy! Now I really got you guessing, sun is shinning here in Durbs after a monster storm at day break today

Anonymous said...

You go Julius!