Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It has been a really tough day today. I won't bore you with the details, but I struggled with posture, with a very disparaging e-mail and a carer that makes me feel like I'm in a factory assembly line. Heck, I can't complain at the moment I have had my care situation in such a mess that I can't afford upsetting the apple cart before Christmas.

I have had enough at the moment. So much to deal with and no escape. Its relentless, like a war of attrition. Wearing you out. Starving you. You can see the outside world, you just can't reach it.

Any comments on the Logo? My sister sent me a text with comments which were very constructive.


Anonymous said...

Hi Julius

The logo looks good, just wondering about the white background. Are you planning to print it onto white paper or will the logo be on all different colours of paper. Would the background change depending on what the logo is printed on?

I wish you all the best with your business venture - I'm sure you'll succeed

Anonymous said...

Hi Julius,
the logo is not especially exciting in my point of view. I found it disturbing that the upper part doesnt have eyelashes whereas the lower part does. On the other side it would do as such. The name of your company has the advantage to easily identify you but for clients that do not know your family name they may wonder about significance of Ladwig (happened to a coleague of mine whom I asked about opinion.
Voilà for now !!!!
keep goind and taking good care of yourself

Anonymous said...

Hey Julius. Strength man. Hope tomorrow has its better parts.

Re your logo - LCI has a certain ring to it. LC-eye. I like the directness of the eye graphic. Perhaps the text in a slightly transparent blue would balance it better, and the Ladwig seems too high to me - not in balance but the latter are nitpicks.

Wondering if you're going with a partner at all - any of your colleagues want to join you?
