Sunday, November 26, 2006

I don't know where to start sometimes. My head is buzzing with all the different topics that make up my life in this wheelchair. I could talk about the difficulties of having strangers do personal care for me,I could talk about my work situation and how to be rejected by the company I loved feels. I could talk about my new business. I could talk about my day to day life. About disability and friendship or loneliness. Maybe the topic of living with a severe disability should cover emotional aspects paralysis and separation from the world, people and your own body.

I sit here and think to myself about what to write about, and I am so aware that I am writing into the void of cyberspace that I can't get started. Imagine having a conversation with a blacked out theatre. You have no way of knowing if someone is there or even listening. The place may be empty, it may be full. You only know when someone answers.

The other thing about conversation is the immediacy of feedback and the development of a topic or a thread. In websites that help people solve problems. They may have a question and answer section. These contain threads of conversation that develop a topic and help to answer the queries.

The power of conversation should not be underestimated. It has a powerful influence on both or all the participants. Like the first smile from a child seeing you or the response to a letter, feedback can open your world. I was unable to participate in conversations for 9 months, whilst my ability to speak recovered.I sat and listened. I longed to interrupt or have my say. I learned to observe and now I still do a lot of observing. You can learn a lot about people from what they say. But you learn a lot, as well, from what they do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Julius,

I don't think that you are "writing into the void of cyberspace" as you wrote in your blog. By the number of hits you get on your blog I think that a lot of people are reading what you write. And I find your blogs very interesting. And just because no one replies, doesn't mean they aren't reading. I often mean to reply when I have a spare minute later but sadly, spare minutes don't come along very often when you're at work and shouldn't be on the internet in the first place!!! And then sometimes I want to write someting like 'hang in there, I'm thinking of you' but somehow the sincerity of my words and thoughts is not conveyed in the typed word leaving them sounding rather trite (sp?).

So I will say then, hang in there Julius, I'm thinking of you ... and I hope that you can see the depth in my words.