Sunday, January 14, 2007

I have been out of touch for ages. I have lots to tell and so much to do. My problem occurred with the transition from Unilever to my own network setup. I tried to fix this before I left but to no effect.

I had a good Christmas, family, feast and fun! The pictures say it all.

After Christmas I tried to get my computer connected again. After we realised the only way was just to start again with a new setup which I did and on Thursday I was there!

My parents left on Friday and it took over 7 hours to Gatwick and back. I was exhausted. I have been working and sleeping since in an effort to catch up.


Anonymous said...

hi! J, your house no.has changed! ? tried to contact you sun. get in touch! ta!


Anonymous said...

Good to see you back again. Great photos. Wishing you a strong 2007.