Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What a day! I have been trying to get my office sorted out as I move into this new "self - employed" life.I have to pay someone for all the assistance I get. However, instructions can be a full time occupation. Tomorrow is a quiet day just for project work.

I have finally got action on a few problems.
My phone needed to be looked at to fix a fault. Although the engineer couldn't repair it they are going to send a new one tomorrow.
My car battery was faulty this was replaced by Chrysler (thanks Karl where ever you are)

However my AEG dishwasher is now faulty and gets stuck on drain. So either get it repaired or replaced. I would do it myself but I can't do this anymore. I am tempted...

I am pleased to see people read this blog. Every time I see it's been read it spurs me on to keep writing into the void. It's a pity it's not more interactive.


Anonymous said...

Void? What void??!

Julius said...

Is that a voice from the void?

Well go on ,speak up, you're through!