I thought it was time to have an update on the garden. I have given a few details about each.

View from deck toward the back. In front flowers along the deck.Herb garden to the left followed by strawberries and herbs.

Poets Place.

Strawberries and herbs.


Cabbages at the back of the garden.


Runner Beans right at the back.
The poets place can also accomodate me with my guitar in hand, but please never ask me to sing. That would probably wilt every plant in the place. What a beut garden to relax in. PS Weather in Durbs today is brilliant
Your garden looks gorgeous! The sping fever has hit me, and I have been at the nursery at least twice a week for the last three weeks, and my garden is in the process of a much needed reform. Unfortunatly my dogs are incredibly destructive and I have to often replace plants that they have removed during the course of the evening.
I do envy your strawberries, I want to fence a patch in to plant some of my own.
Some news from my side- I went for my first scan today, baby D'Arcy is due on the 26 April 2008. that will mean a 17 Month age gap between the two little savages! Lexi is now 10 months and just too sweet, good natured and very funny with all the new things she does. She can point now, and everything has become point worthy!
Best wishes... I'll keep in touch.
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