Saturday, March 29, 2008

Being a Saturday it's appropriate for me to take some time to write about the week past. Alex, my son, is staying with me for a few days to help with his study for GCSE. In an effort to instil some discipline, I have him getting up early and going for a run each day. So far there has been some progress and we advanced a few subjects. Today we will do Systems and Design and some English.

We have had some good heart to heart chats and I constantly taken aback by the good character and nature of this 16yr old. I can see in him a quality that you seldom come across today, humility and a good heart.

Linda, my PA has raised the topic of another job. It turns out she is looking at ads. Well I can't stop people from advancing and I would not wish to hold anyone back but it is distressing and would require a big upheaval.

My reaction has been muted and I am very aware of the potential for me to use emotional blackmail. For this reason I come across as not really bothered. I suppose there is no reaction that will not be open to misinterpretation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So nice to hear about your relationship with Alex. I am sure it means a lot to both of you. Good luck with the programme.
Sometimes we have to let go of the things that we tend to cling to for our own comfort. I know Linda means a lot to you because of her knowledge of your situation, but if she wishes to move on you will be the last person to hold on.
Our life never seems to stop presenting the Mount Everests that suddenly appear when we are least prepared for them.
What more can I say - present your troubles and concerns to the Lord and trust.