Monday, December 12, 2005

The concert was good yesterday and we enjoyed some mulled wine and a mince pie at the interval. My friend Sarah was in the first violin section but I couldn’t see her from my position. Sarah had kindly bought the kids some reindeer antlers that they donned, with the Orchestra after the interval.

So tired at the moment. I’m constantly yawning. Frustrating!

I made a calendar of my life in a typical year. I will send this out tomorrow or today.


Anonymous said...

Hi Julius,
this is Helmut Funke. Remember me or rather my kids, maren and lars. They still talk of you. You installed their computer in Durban and fixed it regularly, when they or their computer illiterate father had blown it.I keep coming to Durban (our second home)regularly and heard about your accident.
How you are keeping I kind of learnt from your diary, but I don#t know anything else, such as your family, your kids, where you are living etc.I retired a few years ago, am living in Bamberg, near Nuremberg and am still strugglinfg with my PC., no change. I would be lost if it wsn't for Lars, who now is the PC-fundi (remember this word).
Hopefuölly this message will reach you.
Regards from barbara and helmut

Julius said...

Thanks for this Helmut.
I have sent you a mail to your Gmail address.