Saturday, December 10, 2005

I feel so strung out today. So uninspired. Lethargic of mind and body. Ha, my body does nothing all day and still feels lethargic. I haven't a clue what to do today. Never had this before. Always been busy on some plan.

So this week was a blur. Colleen's operation followed by Veronica leaving with a bad back, her replacement was a temp then a day later, Partha, followed by Shaun after another day. So 4 carers in 4 days. This place has been a train station.

On Thursday I went to a great farewell lunch for Ian. Yesterday I did a last bit of Christmas shopping for a few hours at Milton Keynes.

Today I will just hang around as Colleen and the kids have gone shopping. Tomorrow I have bought tickets for a Christmas Concert by the NSO (Northampton Symphony Orchestra).The kids should enjoy that.

My buddy Brian wrote to me this week. We were thick as thieves in Durban in the 'ol days. It made me feel a lot better (less isolated).

There is so much to say about my experience over the last few years I have to create a site for it all.

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