Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Colleen(ex) just phoned she has to go into the hospital for a possible appendix op. I hope its OK. I have to pick up the kids and see to them for as long as it takes.

Who knows what suprises life is going to spring. Never take your life for granted. Predict, plan, save, prepare. All necessary and good. In reality you only have today and even that may change. Phil 4:4.

I will make my first move wrt work as I have not heard a thing from them.

I keep waking at 3am. Sometimes I can fall asleep right away other times that's it for the night. I think its a dream (that wakes me). NOT that type of dream! (I don't think? !) HA. I think its like the hospital in Germany. I used to get restless in the early morning and even though I was oblivious to the situation, I remember feeling disturbed,uncomfortable, unsettled. These feelings are similar and I guess the problems at work have kicked off the process again.

Just to have one day of normality.

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