I went to the pub last night.I had a pint of bitter and grabbed a kebab and a video. It's warmed up a lot (7deg) so even though it rained it was OK.
Alan is coming over later and I think a visit to the pub again might be in order.
No real plans for the new year. I am uninspired and uninterested. Ha. I will see what happens.
Any new year resolutions? I am afraid I haven't any. I should resolve to make some.
Adapt or die. It's your life!
Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.William James (US Pragmatist philosopher & psychologist (1842 - 1910))
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005

Well Christmas is over now. I have enjoyed it and the company of family and friends. I have included some pictures of the goings on.
Mexican lunch on the 27th
Snow at the front door.
Playing in the snow during a visit from Bruce and Wendy and family from South Africa.
Carer switch today. Lawrence starts his 2nd shift for 4 days. He hands over to Shaun on the 1st January 2006.
Monday, December 26, 2005

With Christmas 2005 over it remains to update this log.
I had a wonderful time. The kids too were so wonderful they were captivated by the experience and enjoy every second.
It started off on Christmas Eve.We went to a church service. Which was just great. On our return a quick dinner set the stage for an early night. I had all 3 kids in my room. We eventually got to sleep at midnight but Alex was too excited to sleep. He woke up at 3am ,we had a chat and he went to sleep.
They were all awake by 7. We opened a few of their presents after they had woken Colleen from the spare room. After some preparation we started the proceedings of Christmas present uncovering and creating combustible waste.
we had a superb roast dinner of turkey, gammon, vegetables and pudding. Delicious. Excellent work by Colleen and Veronica.
After dinner we collapsed in the lounge to contemplate our excess and to indulge further in chocolate and self satisfaction.
Enjoy the photos.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
I am not sure what to write today. I feel a little let down. I was hoping to spend some time with the kids but they have all gone out for the day.
I was so exhausted last night. In bed by 9pm, asleep by 10pm, awake from 2.30 to 5am.Oh well. It's only sleep.
I enjoy receiving contact from people and have received a few notes from people all over the world.
NO snow predicted but this is what the back can look like

I was so exhausted last night. In bed by 9pm, asleep by 10pm, awake from 2.30 to 5am.Oh well. It's only sleep.
I enjoy receiving contact from people and have received a few notes from people all over the world.
NO snow predicted but this is what the back can look like

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I had a great party last night. About 14 people. We prepared the lounge with fairy lights and candles. Did snacks, opened some wine, set out the furniture, put some music on and everyone came. We finished at midnight I think. I got to sleep about 1.am.
Today I have my last meeting of the year,with Anna from Vlaardingen (Holland). Then I am going to stop work and enjoy my kids' company. I like the people they are and enjoy the way they think (I don't understand all of it!)
I better go and prepare for the meeting.
Today I have my last meeting of the year,with Anna from Vlaardingen (Holland). Then I am going to stop work and enjoy my kids' company. I like the people they are and enjoy the way they think (I don't understand all of it!)
I better go and prepare for the meeting.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
I went in to the office today. Saw the doctor. She always puts me in a good mood - she is so charming! Ha!
Went around to all the people I could and did the seasonal greetings then came back to prepare for a dinner group. Tonight we have a homegroup dinner. Mulled wine, snacks and fun! It should be good. I would like to do something special but I can't for this So they are all just bringing stuff and I have virtually nothing to do.
I better go. Well have to get started.
Went around to all the people I could and did the seasonal greetings then came back to prepare for a dinner group. Tonight we have a homegroup dinner. Mulled wine, snacks and fun! It should be good. I would like to do something special but I can't for this So they are all just bringing stuff and I have virtually nothing to do.
I better go. Well have to get started.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
The post earlier may seem strange but its what I promised. I will always tell you how I am feeling and sometimes words aren't organised into thoughts. Just feelings. Disjointed and scatty.
I took Alex and Alan to the pub with me yesterday had a pint,then grabbed a takeaway and a DVD (War of the Worlds). Then Alex and I watched Gladiator. So a late night.
This morning we watched Liverpool in the World club final. I had to help Alex deal with disappointment (we lost) as he normally gets depressed and destructive. So I talked to him about focusing his mind and using the emotion of failure constructively. So far, he has done well.
So a few more days, then Christmas, eek! Where does the time go? I have one objective. To give the kids an experience they will remember.
I took Alex and Alan to the pub with me yesterday had a pint,then grabbed a takeaway and a DVD (War of the Worlds). Then Alex and I watched Gladiator. So a late night.
This morning we watched Liverpool in the World club final. I had to help Alex deal with disappointment (we lost) as he normally gets depressed and destructive. So I talked to him about focusing his mind and using the emotion of failure constructively. So far, he has done well.
So a few more days, then Christmas, eek! Where does the time go? I have one objective. To give the kids an experience they will remember.
Normal night's sleep.
Awake every hour.
Listen to the Radio.
The darkness like a blanket surround,
but no warmth or comfort in it's arms
The radio fills the void
Sleep is optional.
The news is followed by the story of a boy
likened to the Buddha as he meditates under a tree
Fasting from food and water for 6 months
3 hours till morning
Must think
Awake every hour.
Listen to the Radio.
The darkness like a blanket surround,
but no warmth or comfort in it's arms
The radio fills the void
Sleep is optional.
The news is followed by the story of a boy
likened to the Buddha as he meditates under a tree
Fasting from food and water for 6 months
3 hours till morning
Must think
Thursday, December 15, 2005
I went to the office today to see a friend who is retiring. We had a good chat. I was supposed to attend the farewell lunch he had today but with the new carer (Lawrence) starting this afternoon I did not have time.
We had a warm(8 deg C), sunny day today and I enjoyed being outside. It is likely that the north wind will bring in the cold. So I expect a freezing weekend, brrrrr.
Take a look at this (from an e-mail Jane sent me). I am still chuckling!
We had a warm(8 deg C), sunny day today and I enjoyed being outside. It is likely that the north wind will bring in the cold. So I expect a freezing weekend, brrrrr.
Take a look at this (from an e-mail Jane sent me). I am still chuckling!
Once again, The Washington Post has published the winning submissions
to its yearly neologism contest, in which readers are asked to supply
alternate meanings for common words.
The winners are:
1. Coffee (n.), the person upon whom one coughs.
2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.
3. Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
4. Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.
5. Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.
6. Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you absentmindedlyanswer the door in your nightgown.
7. Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.
8. Gargoyle (n.), olive-flavored mouthwash.
9. Flatulence (n.) emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run
over by a steamroller.
10. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.
11. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.
12. Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.
13. Pokemon (n), a Rastafarian proctologist.
14. Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms.
15. Frisbeetarianism (n.), (back by popular demand): The belief that,when you die, your Soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.
16. Circumvent (n.), an opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men.
If you are interested the windsave system (see Link) costs around a £1000 if you install it yourself.
Solar pv will be expensive (around 5x as much) .
more later...
Solar pv will be expensive (around 5x as much) .
more later...
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I am going to install a renewable energy generator. I am busy looking at Solar PV which generates 1-2 kwp (kw peak) and Wind. Typical consumption is more than either of these but they will make a difference as they are connected to the grid and reduce the bill when not used.
Ideally I could be free of the mains and gas.However, slowly does it, and I will migrate towards this.
Anyone with experience in this? I would love to hear from you.
Ideally I could be free of the mains and gas.However, slowly does it, and I will migrate towards this.
Anyone with experience in this? I would love to hear from you.

I have set about making myself as independent as possible and whilst I have to have 24hr care I don't want to be dependent 24hrs a day. So, I have built a life full of gadgets to automate what I can. Doors, Lights, Heaters, Fans,TV's and HiFi all driven a control on my wheelchair. I too have a mobile on the chair connected to this controller. Today the connection wouldn't work, a problem with the contacts, so we eventually gave up.
You might be interested in how the controller works. Its a screen with icons behind each icon there is a command.This command could be a TV command or a door etc. To activate the controller I have a single button on my headrest(see picture). This starts the controller off.It scrolls rapidly across the screen, highlighting each icon. When it highlights the icon I want, I press the button again and the command is issued. So sometimes you might see my head bouncing back and forth, now you will know why. I am trying to control something.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
The concert was good yesterday and we enjoyed some mulled wine and a mince pie at the interval. My friend Sarah was in the first violin section but I couldn’t see her from my position. Sarah had kindly bought the kids some reindeer antlers that they donned, with the Orchestra after the interval.
So tired at the moment. I’m constantly yawning. Frustrating!
I made a calendar of my life in a typical year. I will send this out tomorrow or today.
So tired at the moment. I’m constantly yawning. Frustrating!
I made a calendar of my life in a typical year. I will send this out tomorrow or today.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
I feel so strung out today. So uninspired. Lethargic of mind and body. Ha, my body does nothing all day and still feels lethargic. I haven't a clue what to do today. Never had this before. Always been busy on some plan.
So this week was a blur. Colleen's operation followed by Veronica leaving with a bad back, her replacement was a temp then a day later, Partha, followed by Shaun after another day. So 4 carers in 4 days. This place has been a train station.
On Thursday I went to a great farewell lunch for Ian. Yesterday I did a last bit of Christmas shopping for a few hours at Milton Keynes.
Today I will just hang around as Colleen and the kids have gone shopping. Tomorrow I have bought tickets for a Christmas Concert by the NSO (Northampton Symphony Orchestra).The kids should enjoy that.
My buddy Brian wrote to me this week. We were thick as thieves in Durban in the 'ol days. It made me feel a lot better (less isolated).
There is so much to say about my experience over the last few years I have to create a site for it all.
So this week was a blur. Colleen's operation followed by Veronica leaving with a bad back, her replacement was a temp then a day later, Partha, followed by Shaun after another day. So 4 carers in 4 days. This place has been a train station.
On Thursday I went to a great farewell lunch for Ian. Yesterday I did a last bit of Christmas shopping for a few hours at Milton Keynes.
Today I will just hang around as Colleen and the kids have gone shopping. Tomorrow I have bought tickets for a Christmas Concert by the NSO (Northampton Symphony Orchestra).The kids should enjoy that.
My buddy Brian wrote to me this week. We were thick as thieves in Durban in the 'ol days. It made me feel a lot better (less isolated).
There is so much to say about my experience over the last few years I have to create a site for it all.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
I just don't feel good today. I feel a bit "queasy" . I might just have a break soon.
Yesterday my usual carer (Veronica) had to leave suddenly because of a bad back. A temporary replacement was found but without any training this is getting to be very tiring. I took 4.5 hrs to get up and dressed today. So stressful.
Life to me is starting to take on a different pattern. This worries me of course, but what can I do. I am losing the will to fight.
I think this this Christmas will be a sparse affair. I don't feel prepared or excited in any way.
Yesterday my usual carer (Veronica) had to leave suddenly because of a bad back. A temporary replacement was found but without any training this is getting to be very tiring. I took 4.5 hrs to get up and dressed today. So stressful.
Life to me is starting to take on a different pattern. This worries me of course, but what can I do. I am losing the will to fight.
I think this this Christmas will be a sparse affair. I don't feel prepared or excited in any way.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Its Monday and the prospects of the next few weeks lie daunting and insurmountable before me. I face, again the anticipation of a carer changes and training. Sure I've done it before, and sure,I'll do it again. Lurking,always in the background, are my work, Christmas, the future....
The future lies stretching before me, fading into the distance ,like a lonely desert road.
Colleen came out of hospital on Saturday after a successful operation. When I dropped off the children she seemed relaxed and happy.
I had a wonderful time with my kids and enjoyed seeing them for the 4 days. Bursting with life and good nature. They are normal and healthy, considering what they've been through.
The future lies stretching before me, fading into the distance ,like a lonely desert road.
Colleen came out of hospital on Saturday after a successful operation. When I dropped off the children she seemed relaxed and happy.
I had a wonderful time with my kids and enjoyed seeing them for the 4 days. Bursting with life and good nature. They are normal and healthy, considering what they've been through.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Phew! Well I have the kids for a few days because on Wednesday evening they removed Colleen's appendix. It was apparently inflamed and "ready " to be taken out. She looks relaxed and is now going to be in for 4-5 days. With a bed near the window and a nice ward(4 patients per bay) she she can have a rest.
Yesterday after a visit to my podiatrist(I took the kids with me)we went to Morisons (supermarket) for lunch. They each bought Colleen a little gift. Ruth - flowers, Carmen - arranged a bowl of fruit and Alex - Chocolates.
We came back at 6.00. My carer (Veronica) was exhausted (we were all tired). I ordered Pizza and we all went to bed by 9:30. In preparation for an early start.
Up early (6.00 for me) we got started for school. They had at my insistence done homework and prepared Uniforms night before. Dropped the girls on time but Alex was late.
My first observation is that my children are simply amazing! They look after each other and take care of each other. Carmen has really developed her friendship with Ruth. I rely heavily on her to help with phone calls, Ruth's hair, programming the Sat Navigator, etc. Ruth is less flighty but still quite lively. Alex is starting to struggle with hormones. He can't sit still, loves Raucous ,discordant music and seems to want to allways use the bathroom when the girls are there.
I love them so much.
I pick them up at 3:30 then go visit Colleen. I am hoping Alan can take me so Veronica can rest.
Well tomorrow is weekend with only 1 activity for Ruth. I think we might go to see the latest Harry Potter.
So bye for now.
Yesterday after a visit to my podiatrist(I took the kids with me)we went to Morisons (supermarket) for lunch. They each bought Colleen a little gift. Ruth - flowers, Carmen - arranged a bowl of fruit and Alex - Chocolates.
We came back at 6.00. My carer (Veronica) was exhausted (we were all tired). I ordered Pizza and we all went to bed by 9:30. In preparation for an early start.
Up early (6.00 for me) we got started for school. They had at my insistence done homework and prepared Uniforms night before. Dropped the girls on time but Alex was late.
My first observation is that my children are simply amazing! They look after each other and take care of each other. Carmen has really developed her friendship with Ruth. I rely heavily on her to help with phone calls, Ruth's hair, programming the Sat Navigator, etc. Ruth is less flighty but still quite lively. Alex is starting to struggle with hormones. He can't sit still, loves Raucous ,discordant music and seems to want to allways use the bathroom when the girls are there.
I love them so much.
I pick them up at 3:30 then go visit Colleen. I am hoping Alan can take me so Veronica can rest.
Well tomorrow is weekend with only 1 activity for Ruth. I think we might go to see the latest Harry Potter.
So bye for now.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Colleen(ex) just phoned she has to go into the hospital for a possible appendix op. I hope its OK. I have to pick up the kids and see to them for as long as it takes.
Who knows what suprises life is going to spring. Never take your life for granted. Predict, plan, save, prepare. All necessary and good. In reality you only have today and even that may change. Phil 4:4.
I will make my first move wrt work as I have not heard a thing from them.
I keep waking at 3am. Sometimes I can fall asleep right away other times that's it for the night. I think its a dream (that wakes me). NOT that type of dream! (I don't think? !) HA. I think its like the hospital in Germany. I used to get restless in the early morning and even though I was oblivious to the situation, I remember feeling disturbed,uncomfortable, unsettled. These feelings are similar and I guess the problems at work have kicked off the process again.
Just to have one day of normality.
Who knows what suprises life is going to spring. Never take your life for granted. Predict, plan, save, prepare. All necessary and good. In reality you only have today and even that may change. Phil 4:4.
I will make my first move wrt work as I have not heard a thing from them.
I keep waking at 3am. Sometimes I can fall asleep right away other times that's it for the night. I think its a dream (that wakes me). NOT that type of dream! (I don't think? !) HA. I think its like the hospital in Germany. I used to get restless in the early morning and even though I was oblivious to the situation, I remember feeling disturbed,uncomfortable, unsettled. These feelings are similar and I guess the problems at work have kicked off the process again.
Just to have one day of normality.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
If I am going to do this I have to be open and honest. Sometimes I feel like this:
I am not able to just "keep going ", "chin up". I am a tactile, loving person I don't do well in this perpetual vacuum. I try to do the "right thing ", I look after my body, I try to do the best for my kids and I give generously to their upkeep, but I am alone. Alone, I wake up at 3am ,mind spinning, heart broken and tired but restless.
I know no-one can enter this world. I know some will try. I know I am loved. I am still alone. I am afraid I will ruthlessly ,selfishly use the vulnerable hearts who try to enter. I am a man. I am a broken, wretched,dangerous man.
The ghosts of the past lifes and loves torment me. I hide safely from you all behind the mask.
I hope you can share this with me for what it is - a necessary part of the situation I am in.
I am not able to just "keep going ", "chin up". I am a tactile, loving person I don't do well in this perpetual vacuum. I try to do the "right thing ", I look after my body, I try to do the best for my kids and I give generously to their upkeep, but I am alone. Alone, I wake up at 3am ,mind spinning, heart broken and tired but restless.
I know no-one can enter this world. I know some will try. I know I am loved. I am still alone. I am afraid I will ruthlessly ,selfishly use the vulnerable hearts who try to enter. I am a man. I am a broken, wretched,dangerous man.
The ghosts of the past lifes and loves torment me. I hide safely from you all behind the mask.
I hope you can share this with me for what it is - a necessary part of the situation I am in.
I don't know what to write today. I feel like everything that was good and positive has gone away. Slippery stuff good moods. It starts with posture for me.I am basically able to maintain a positive disposition with most things, but bad posture makes me feel weak and uncomfortable. I hate the wheelchair. I hate my body.I hate the carer. That all just leads to hating myself and my life.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Yes I know I haven't been attending to this Blogg but "such is life".
The weekend passed.
(Well history is always easier to deal with. )
I watched Rugby all afternoon and waited to hear from Colleen and the kids. (My own attempts to get clarity on the weekend was unsuccessful so I just wait) Eventually after a difficult exchange of text messages with Carmen (her phone was faulty and I take ages to text) they arrived at about 6. Well they left as quickly as they had arrived. Carmen wanted Gemsquash and pasta. So we chatted while she prepared it.
Sunday was dominated by the expectation of Duncan's visit (a neighbour and friend to my parents) He arrived later than expected so we cancelled the planned pub lunch and instead had tea and a biscuit. Duncan (a man of strong belief and integrity) had come all the way to see me bearing gifts from my parents. I was deeply thankfull and felt really grateful.
Duncan's visit made me think....
He used the phrase about looking in the rearview mirror. I have been doing this a lot lately. I can't live in the past and I can't live for tomorrow. I can enjoy today and do the best possible.
With the problems at work I now have to get back on track. I have much to offer and exciting things I can contribute.
The weekend passed.
(Well history is always easier to deal with. )
I watched Rugby all afternoon and waited to hear from Colleen and the kids. (My own attempts to get clarity on the weekend was unsuccessful so I just wait) Eventually after a difficult exchange of text messages with Carmen (her phone was faulty and I take ages to text) they arrived at about 6. Well they left as quickly as they had arrived. Carmen wanted Gemsquash and pasta. So we chatted while she prepared it.
Sunday was dominated by the expectation of Duncan's visit (a neighbour and friend to my parents) He arrived later than expected so we cancelled the planned pub lunch and instead had tea and a biscuit. Duncan (a man of strong belief and integrity) had come all the way to see me bearing gifts from my parents. I was deeply thankfull and felt really grateful.
Duncan's visit made me think....
He used the phrase about looking in the rearview mirror. I have been doing this a lot lately. I can't live in the past and I can't live for tomorrow. I can enjoy today and do the best possible.
With the problems at work I now have to get back on track. I have much to offer and exciting things I can contribute.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
When your mind keeps jumping to new subjects it's difficult to concentrate fully. I find I want to do so much, time is passing and I am getting older, eek!
OK, I had a new carer start yesterday. Shaun. So back to training and a new start. It's so much effort. I have to make all the unconscious behaviours and mannerisims explicit and get back into explaining everything again. Aaaargh!
Such a busy week. I have not had time to relax and think.On Monday I opened a bottle of KWV Cabernet Savignon 1998. Wow!It was so good I had to drink 3/4 .Well, you can't not! ? So tonight another night of training.
This afternoon I am hoping the heating engineer will come by. I have the gas on continuous and it's still cold.
OK, I had a new carer start yesterday. Shaun. So back to training and a new start. It's so much effort. I have to make all the unconscious behaviours and mannerisims explicit and get back into explaining everything again. Aaaargh!
Such a busy week. I have not had time to relax and think.On Monday I opened a bottle of KWV Cabernet Savignon 1998. Wow!It was so good I had to drink 3/4 .Well, you can't not! ? So tonight another night of training.
This afternoon I am hoping the heating engineer will come by. I have the gas on continuous and it's still cold.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
I go for my normal morning coffee at 11. Every day, my P.A, carer and I, stop at 11 for a break or a cookie. I try not to overdo it but sometimes a nice cookie is required.
Yesterday I went to Stoke Mandeville Hospital for a check up. A long day, as I got back at 7.30 pm. Nothing to report. I'm doing well, small improvements, I have to go back for a bladder test (standard proceedure) and I may need to schedule some extra stay for physio (4-6 weeks) .
I am reviewing a paper for the Journal "Food Quality and Preference " on Emotional effects on food choice. Interesting. Now I must crack on.
Yesterday I went to Stoke Mandeville Hospital for a check up. A long day, as I got back at 7.30 pm. Nothing to report. I'm doing well, small improvements, I have to go back for a bladder test (standard proceedure) and I may need to schedule some extra stay for physio (4-6 weeks) .
I am reviewing a paper for the Journal "Food Quality and Preference " on Emotional effects on food choice. Interesting. Now I must crack on.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Saturday, November 19, 2005
So it's Saturday. Thanks all of you for your letters and wishes.
This Blogg is a mixture of journal and open discussion. So interaction is great. Please post your comments on the site (unless of course they are private).
I went in to work see a few people yesterday. I still have some good friends there. On the way back popped in to the supermarket for supplies.
How's this for an absolutely lovely dinner.
Fried Chicken breast in garlic and peri-peri.
Served on a bed of shredded fresh lettuce dressed with garlic olive oil, lemon juice and Salt and pepper.
hmmmm delicious
as a variation add a few spoons of parmessan cheese to dressing.
Hey, Heidi. Thanks for the texts and I am glad the exams went well.
I plan to watch rugby now. 3 games on. England v NZ, Ireland v Australia, Wales v SA. The England match not televised on normal national TV. (Why do they do do this? )
I need to start thinking about new careers.Any ideas?
This Blogg is a mixture of journal and open discussion. So interaction is great. Please post your comments on the site (unless of course they are private).
I went in to work see a few people yesterday. I still have some good friends there. On the way back popped in to the supermarket for supplies.
How's this for an absolutely lovely dinner.
Fried Chicken breast in garlic and peri-peri.
Served on a bed of shredded fresh lettuce dressed with garlic olive oil, lemon juice and Salt and pepper.
hmmmm delicious
as a variation add a few spoons of parmessan cheese to dressing.
Hey, Heidi. Thanks for the texts and I am glad the exams went well.
I plan to watch rugby now. 3 games on. England v NZ, Ireland v Australia, Wales v SA. The England match not televised on normal national TV. (Why do they do do this? )
I need to start thinking about new careers.Any ideas?
Thursday, November 17, 2005
I would have slept OK last night but the heating programmer failed again (on all the time). So I woke up Partha (carer) and turned it off.
I have received some warm words in response to the last post. Heidi thanks, and I love you too. I thank you all. Of course I am trying to work out what I do next. I have to work this out with the guys at work first and get a bit more understanding of the situation. I would like some advice from an employment expert and I do need to tread very carefully.
I have been enlightened to something I was not aware of. (Thanks to John). I have tended towards writing newsletters when I am going or have been through a bad patch. The result is I appear depressed sad and lonely. I am none of these. I have found writing a form of release, so sorry about the "downers "!I I am a positive bloke but I do have my bad times.
For Rodney and Dad, just to let you know the NiCd battery in the inner front door failed and I showed Partha how to change. So hopefully it will be OK.
I am going to install an alternative energy saving device soon. I am looking at a wind generator and photo voltaic (PV). If anybody has any information on this I would appreciate it.
I have received some warm words in response to the last post. Heidi thanks, and I love you too. I thank you all. Of course I am trying to work out what I do next. I have to work this out with the guys at work first and get a bit more understanding of the situation. I would like some advice from an employment expert and I do need to tread very carefully.
I have been enlightened to something I was not aware of. (Thanks to John). I have tended towards writing newsletters when I am going or have been through a bad patch. The result is I appear depressed sad and lonely. I am none of these. I have found writing a form of release, so sorry about the "downers "!I I am a positive bloke but I do have my bad times.
For Rodney and Dad, just to let you know the NiCd battery in the inner front door failed and I showed Partha how to change. So hopefully it will be OK.
I am going to install an alternative energy saving device soon. I am looking at a wind generator and photo voltaic (PV). If anybody has any information on this I would appreciate it.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Yesterday did not yield a big surprise. It seems I don't fit in to the new organisation. So I am not required. Well clearly I have a lot to think about, yet it all just feels like a dream. Surreal. Zombie like.
I slept OK till about 4.I woke up and listened to the cricket. (England v Pakistan), slept again at 5-6.I still start my day at 6.30 am. I guess its not a good idea to change too much. Routine is all I have.
The events of yesterday are a fact now.
I slept OK till about 4.I woke up and listened to the cricket. (England v Pakistan), slept again at 5-6.I still start my day at 6.30 am. I guess its not a good idea to change too much. Routine is all I have.
The events of yesterday are a fact now.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Well I just have a moment.
Yesterday was spent with Ruth. We had a great time. She chats incessantly and is so sweet. She first made herself some maize porridge. (I found a supplier for maize meal) The kids love it especially when I do the traditional maize dishes ("pap").
After breakfast we created 2 compilations of her favourite songs and went for Tea and lunch at a local lake, Grafham Water. It was fun and I think she is a very capable 9 year old.
Today is cold and bright. Our first frost.
I look forward to getting on after tomorrow as I hate being at a loose-end.
Yesterday was spent with Ruth. We had a great time. She chats incessantly and is so sweet. She first made herself some maize porridge. (I found a supplier for maize meal) The kids love it especially when I do the traditional maize dishes ("pap").
After breakfast we created 2 compilations of her favourite songs and went for Tea and lunch at a local lake, Grafham Water. It was fun and I think she is a very capable 9 year old.
Today is cold and bright. Our first frost.
I look forward to getting on after tomorrow as I hate being at a loose-end.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Hmmmm Saturday, nice sunny day but temperature 10 C.In my current situation a bit too cold as my body just gets tense.
I have been helping Alex with chemistry and it's so fascinating. I took a look at the periodic table and remembered my fascination with the beauty of it. So now I have recorded a series from the BBC for him to listen to.
I enjoyed the movie last night but I find any movie, story or picture with strong emotional content (love, caring, commitment, etc.)is leading to a rise of deep, buried, pain. It just never comes out. I don't know, maybe I am just not ready to let go. I am an expressive open person,unafraid of my emotion yet whatever it is just aches but never emerges. I don't know how long I can do this, I need to let this out.
So today England play Argentina. It should be a good distraction.
Tonight is Ruth's sleep over so we should have fun.
I have been helping Alex with chemistry and it's so fascinating. I took a look at the periodic table and remembered my fascination with the beauty of it. So now I have recorded a series from the BBC for him to listen to.
I enjoyed the movie last night but I find any movie, story or picture with strong emotional content (love, caring, commitment, etc.)is leading to a rise of deep, buried, pain. It just never comes out. I don't know, maybe I am just not ready to let go. I am an expressive open person,unafraid of my emotion yet whatever it is just aches but never emerges. I don't know how long I can do this, I need to let this out.
So today England play Argentina. It should be a good distraction.
Tonight is Ruth's sleep over so we should have fun.
Friday, November 11, 2005
A busy day today. I did 3 interviews for carers (I expect to lose a carer end of November). I hope the choices I made are OK.
After lunch a saleman from an adaption agency came over to talk about the shower chair changes.
I just have a few minutes to reflect....
Today is 11/11 - Rememberance Day. I don't think we (humans) are any good at remembering. The day has a dual function. To Remember the Sacrifice made for our freedom and to learn not to have war again. "The War to end all wars" WW1 was described. Oh Dear! We keep doing it. Is it really a last resort?Well Iraq didn't feel like that.
This is an important day for Linda, a bit of an enthusiastic reader of all things to do with WW1. I hope she had a good day. I will never forget the rows of White Crosses that tell a story, each one. A life ended.
I slept poorly for the 3rd night. Oh well, I can sleep when I am dead.
Tonight I would like to see a movie. Heard of "THE CONSTANT GARDENER"? Seen it? If I get to see it I will tell you about it, tomorrow.
Till later....
After lunch a saleman from an adaption agency came over to talk about the shower chair changes.
I just have a few minutes to reflect....
Today is 11/11 - Rememberance Day. I don't think we (humans) are any good at remembering. The day has a dual function. To Remember the Sacrifice made for our freedom and to learn not to have war again. "The War to end all wars" WW1 was described. Oh Dear! We keep doing it. Is it really a last resort?Well Iraq didn't feel like that.
This is an important day for Linda, a bit of an enthusiastic reader of all things to do with WW1. I hope she had a good day. I will never forget the rows of White Crosses that tell a story, each one. A life ended.
I slept poorly for the 3rd night. Oh well, I can sleep when I am dead.
Tonight I would like to see a movie. Heard of "THE CONSTANT GARDENER"? Seen it? If I get to see it I will tell you about it, tomorrow.
Till later....
Thursday, November 10, 2005
I have changed the title for this blogg. Any comments?
I felt the world I live in has been so rearranged that I have little choice but adapt to it. Being suddenly confronted with near death then paralysis, not speaking for months (still struggling with speech), divorce and then my new partner (a light in my life) and I split up, finally all I have left from the old life is my work and my kids (see picture 2nd November). For work I have tried to be diligent and to prepare my lifestyle, facilities and situation to give the best I can. I have a strong sense that this is all about to change.
I cannot see the lesson or the meaning behind it all. A world so restricted and so prescribed does result in apathy and despair. I know I can give up at any stage, I just can't be that way. I have to see where this road goes.
I felt the world I live in has been so rearranged that I have little choice but adapt to it. Being suddenly confronted with near death then paralysis, not speaking for months (still struggling with speech), divorce and then my new partner (a light in my life) and I split up, finally all I have left from the old life is my work and my kids (see picture 2nd November). For work I have tried to be diligent and to prepare my lifestyle, facilities and situation to give the best I can. I have a strong sense that this is all about to change.
I cannot see the lesson or the meaning behind it all. A world so restricted and so prescribed does result in apathy and despair. I know I can give up at any stage, I just can't be that way. I have to see where this road goes.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
No computer today. So I have a few minutes (now that it's back).
Yesterday did not go well and a sense of foreboding has developed.About 6 weeks ago I felt a sadness so real, as if someone had died. I never got relief. I am increasingly convinced the answer will come next Tuesday. I will keep hoping and be vigilant.
I have more time tomorrow to write.
Yesterday did not go well and a sense of foreboding has developed.About 6 weeks ago I felt a sadness so real, as if someone had died. I never got relief. I am increasingly convinced the answer will come next Tuesday. I will keep hoping and be vigilant.
I have more time tomorrow to write.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
I am off to the office now for a meeting with personnel. I hope its fruitfull.
I wonder if I should be honest and air my concerns or whether I should be passive and just listen? I talk too much anyway. I think I will listen and ask questions.
I should also test the fuel tank but it takes a lot of cash to fill so I will wait.
OK - off to work!
I wonder if I should be honest and air my concerns or whether I should be passive and just listen? I talk too much anyway. I think I will listen and ask questions.
I should also test the fuel tank but it takes a lot of cash to fill so I will wait.
OK - off to work!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Shatterred Dreams
My life is a mess.Littered with mistakes and useless dreams. The best relationships in my life, are the ones that don't depend on me.Talk about being afraid of commitment, I am so afraid to let others down, I keep everyone nicely seperate from the clutter. I am so sure that I will see them all dissolve away, like cats during fireworks. Never have I been insecure or dependent, now I am so sure of the importance of being "strong" even to fail to return a call or reciprocate any action. Is this any good for me?I don't know it's too ingrained now and anyway I can't test it because I think it's true.
I am at my home office desk it's just finished lunch. I don't eat lunch so I used the time to prepare my Christmas list for the kids.
This morning my car went in to have the fuel tank repaired. I also had a visit from some guys to do with renovation to my bathroom and hoist.I might be able to get a hoist to allow me to start walking!
Well back to work.
I am at my home office desk it's just finished lunch. I don't eat lunch so I used the time to prepare my Christmas list for the kids.
This morning my car went in to have the fuel tank repaired. I also had a visit from some guys to do with renovation to my bathroom and hoist.I might be able to get a hoist to allow me to start walking!
Well back to work.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
A bird on a bike

Ahhh, its Sunday. I don't get as much pleasure from these days as I used to. It's not really great to have to wait for someone to get you out of bed. Kind of puts a real damper on getting up late and crawling to the kitchen for bacon and egg with coffee. So on this cold,wet day, I am here writing this boring blogg!
Today is the last race of the MotoGP season. Its now a race for 2nd spot.My hero, Sete Gibernau is out of the running. Melandri is looking promising as a rider ,having watched him for years I have always admired his tenacity. Of course Valentino will be in but it seems he crashed during qualifying and doesn't appear on the grid.
Talking about crashes.Here's a pic of my bike after the crash that left me paralysed.
Of course the best thing about bikes is, the BIRDS. Well here's a pic of a bird on a bike.

Friday, November 04, 2005
I am struggling today. Everything happens at the same time. There are days I just want a break from it all.
I cannot get to grips with this food thing (something I have been thinking about lately). Does "health food " have to be seeds,veg,fruit etc, or can you buy it in a packet? May find a blog about this, or start one!
So tonight fireworks for the kids and then weekend!
Ha! forgot to post it!
I cannot get to grips with this food thing (something I have been thinking about lately). Does "health food " have to be seeds,veg,fruit etc, or can you buy it in a packet? May find a blog about this, or start one!
So tonight fireworks for the kids and then weekend!
Ha! forgot to post it!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Out to my office today. Had a productive day. On the way home, checked out a pub for access (for my wheelchair) they were keen to talk, as they planned to build a ramp. Partha likes the Recycling depot so we stopped over on the way back. I wanted some old plates (to use for pot plant saucers and we bought some old pots as. I hate waste and our modern society is so bad. It sickens me at what I see. Our waste will haunt us in the end. Anyway, I bought a set of plates (8) and 4 pots for £2.Not bad if you think that I just bought a plastic pot plant saucer for £1.75!
I hope there are people out there who are changing the way they do things and wasting less.
I had some new ideas I want to pursue.
Is a healthy diet always fresh food?
Have people started to buy more fresh food?
What is the reason we don't eat more fresh food?
I will start to look into this tomorrow.
I hope there are people out there who are changing the way they do things and wasting less.
I had some new ideas I want to pursue.
Is a healthy diet always fresh food?
Have people started to buy more fresh food?
What is the reason we don't eat more fresh food?
I will start to look into this tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Day 2
Day 2 of this blogg and I hope I can keep it going.
I watched football last night Liverpool won 3-0. It made me feel better and helped me on the way to a better nights sleep. I haven't been sleeping so well and I need to rest.
I have a matter of enormous importance and effect on me,which is looming and I can't bring myself to thinking clearly and constructively about it. So I avoid it and I guess the subconscious picks it up in my sleep.
Also, I am in a real relationship dilemma and this keeps surfacing in my sleep. My divorce and subsequent break up with the woman I loved has left me afraid of any emotional involvement. Now I guess you may think I am over playing this but, Hey, just you try to be a dependent paralysed and very damaged individual, self-esteem goes out the window and you are left with a cynical, sensitive lump.
Yesterday I bought some fireworks and thought I could have some fun when my kids come over. I just love their faces when they see them!
A little later...
Just had a cup of coffee and some of my mom's fruit cake. My parents were here in July and August and left me with a few little reminders... They live South Africa and it is not easy to just pop over.
I have things to do, till later...
I watched football last night Liverpool won 3-0. It made me feel better and helped me on the way to a better nights sleep. I haven't been sleeping so well and I need to rest.
I have a matter of enormous importance and effect on me,which is looming and I can't bring myself to thinking clearly and constructively about it. So I avoid it and I guess the subconscious picks it up in my sleep.
Also, I am in a real relationship dilemma and this keeps surfacing in my sleep. My divorce and subsequent break up with the woman I loved has left me afraid of any emotional involvement. Now I guess you may think I am over playing this but, Hey, just you try to be a dependent paralysed and very damaged individual, self-esteem goes out the window and you are left with a cynical, sensitive lump.
Yesterday I bought some fireworks and thought I could have some fun when my kids come over. I just love their faces when they see them!
A little later...
Just had a cup of coffee and some of my mom's fruit cake. My parents were here in July and August and left me with a few little reminders... They live South Africa and it is not easy to just pop over.
I have things to do, till later...
Life Now, new beginning

Life Now
This is a real scary experience for me. I'm not good at talking about myself. Anyway, my life is fairly dull (event wise) but perhaps the stuff I am going through will help some and hopefully me.
You see, 3 years ago I was OK, but an accident at Nuerbergring in Germany has left me paralysed from the neck down with impaired speech. Now, I live on my own with my memories and my work (more about work later) .I have to have a 24hr carer so I guess technically I am not "alone".
I hope I can keep this up and I hope in some twisted way you will appreciate the life you have and take pleasure from doing the really normal stuff.
For me, I want to to purge my mind of useless frustration and deprivation.
Now, I use an adapted computer which allows me to type without hands (I will explain later) The point about this is, it's slooooow. So don't expect long rambling bloggs I specialize in "short and sweet" communication .
I will try to maintain a weekly minimum activity posting.
Julius signing out

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